Saturday, March 15, 2008

Making Sure to Take the Next Step

It's been a while since I've updated this blog — and to a certain extent, I've been slacking in terms of my real world acting-career progress as well. I was very sick for a week ... blah, blah, blah. It gets so easy to make excuses.

So I find myself in March. It's been six months since I lost my job. It's been two and a half months since the new year began. What do I have to show for it? Some auditions that resulted in rejections. An audition (for Annie) that resulted in my getting the part (Grace) I wanted. Continuing with my voice lessons and dance class. I'm making progress in those areas. But am I making enough progress? It's hard to judge. I don't want to beat myself up over a pursuit that can be abusive enough as it is. I don't want to get complacent, either, and think that a moderate effort is enough.

VATTA auditions (Vermont combined auditions for maybe 20 theatre, film and commercial producers) were March 1. I was registered. And then I ended up getting sick. I couldn't prepare for the auditions, and on the day of, I was still too sick to perform.

This weekend is the NETC auditions. I applied (with the required fee) and waited to see if I would receive an audition slot. I didn't get one for musical theatre (what I really wanted), but I did get one for acting-only. Maybe this was meant to be. I'll audition ... and who knows?

I want a professional acting career — and one of the biggest steps toward that goal is to actually audition for professional theatre (instead of just community theatre). I'm taking my first major step (other than a Vermont Stage audition) into this world!

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