Friday, June 22, 2007

Good things

I had a fun time at rehearsal last night. It's so wonderful to actually be in a musical again! It's wonderful pretty much every time I'm in a play or musical. I'm loving where I am, and I'm excited to see what might happen next. I'm probably going to audition for Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and if I don't get that, then audition for West Side Story.

It's important for me to keep moving. That means enjoying the good things (like playing Hope in Urinetown!) while continuing to learn, grow and seek out new opportunities to learn or perform.

I am so giddy to be in Urinetown. It feels like the whole world has opened up and that I'm not doomed to an endless string of rejections. I have to balance that optimism and not get my hopes up, though.

Monday, June 18, 2007

What is acting anyway?

Some assorted thoughts that I've been thinking on lately:

Acting is ...

Letting go of fear and being willing to take risks.
Jumping in with both feet.
Remaining open to new ideas.
Being in the moment.
Keeping things fresh and new.
Taking a journey.
Being present.
Making a connection with your fellow actors.
Making a connection with your audience.
Telling a story.

Acting should not be ...


Acting with Singers

It's been four and a half years since I've done a musical. Before that, it was high school. In the meantime, though, I have done several straight plays.

And I've discovered the drawback to musicals.

I adore musicals. I always have. I love singing, dancing and acting, so what better than to do all three in one?

Unfortunately, not everybody shares my mindset. Acting is just that thing you have to do so you can get to the singing and dancing.

Okay, maybe that's a bit harsh. But the truth is that the majority of musical theatre performers in the area are singers (or dancers) first. I think of myself as a singer. I think I'm a darn good singer, too. But when it comes down to it, I consider myself an actor first and then a singer. I'm an actor who sings instead of a singer who acts.

I think that most of the performers in Urinetown are pretty competent in all three areas. But there are some who are good singers ... with little to no acting talent.

That's the great thing about plays. In plays, you're performing with other actors. In musicals, you're more likely to have to pull non-actors along with you through the scenes.

Another theatre company around here said that in auditions they would be looking for singing ability, dancing ability and acting potential.

Jana says the problem is that it's hard to find good actors. I think the problem is that they don't try to find good actors. They don't think acting is as important as singing or dancing. They cast the people with the best singing voices. And if the singers can't act, they muddle their way through. I don't know if they recognize or appreciate good acting.

That, I think, is another reason why I want to try for a professional acting career. I'd like to think that in a professional milieu, I'd be more likely to find myself among strong singers who are also strong actors.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Miscellaneous Thoughts

1. My last rehearsal before vacation (going to my sister's wedding) was ... not-good. I think that somehow I strain my voice when I'm focused on learning new music (especially harmonies). So by the time we got to my G's and A-flats, my voice was not in good shape. (Plus allergies, being tired, being stressed, etc.)

2. I got nervous singing at my sister's wedding. Why? I never used to get nervous when performing. I only used to get nervous at auditions. I had major butterflies in my stomach. My husband said I sounded great, though.

3. I'm not much of a dancer when it comes to choreographed movement. I'm decent, but not great. But I know I can pretty much always tear up the dance floor at a club, wedding reception, etc. That's a good feeling. (And I always get compliments.)

4. Urinetown rehearsal on Tuesday was much better. And I'm getting excited all over again. In a few minutes I'll be off to another rehearsal.

5. I'm only 5'6" — but I feel freakishly tall in the world of theater (at least community theater in Vermont). I am frequently the tallest woman auditioning. For Urinetown, I'm pretty sure I'm the tallest woman in the show. Odd.