Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Action: Voice Lessons

I'm continuing with voice lessons — which, phrased like that, has a way of sounding less useful than it is. I think it's like exercising as opposed to a lesson in the sense of learning something new. It's not that I go in and he teaches me how to sing. I already know how to sing. It's about developing my singing voice and becoming a stronger singer.

The belting challenge continues to be interesting. For the most part, I'm not doing a pure belt but am doing a belt-mix. And that might be just what my voice does. My teacher doesn't want to "put pressure" on me or my voice, trying to get a true belt instead of a belt-mix. He says my belt-mix is "terrific" and that he kills himself trying to get people to do (mixing) what I'm doing naturally. So, yay!

I also might have some opportunities coming up through my voice lessons: to take part in a cabaret and/or to take an auditioning workshop from an NYC agent.

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