Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Of all the things that can make me feel completely stalled and impotent, the most effective is being sick.

Today marks Day 11 with a vicious cough/cold. Yesterday's voice lesson did not feel productive. My voice teacher said I sounded good and clear; I thought I sounded like crap. I could hear the effects of my cold in my voice, and I could feel the effects in how difficult it was to sing. (Oddly, I had more trouble with my middle range than my upper range.) Then dance class yesterday was fun but exhausting. By the end, I felt so out of breath! I felt like I was going to pass out. (We're doing a can-can, which is all jumping and kicking, very aerobic.) I also sleep more and have less energy in general, which makes it difficult to accomplish things during the day.

On the up side, I am making good on my goal to read more plays. I have so far read Saint Joan, Death and the Maiden, No Exit and Rumors.

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