Monday, December 10, 2007


It's been a while since I've posted. Too long, actually. It's difficult to keep up an acting blog when one isn't acting or even auditioning.

There's been a lack of new developments that leaves me feeling stalled. I feel like I'm in a rut. There are times when I feel absolutely empowered to take control of my destiny. That feeling has been more elusive lately. Optimism and empowerment go hand in hand, but they're not the same thing. When I feel optimistic, I feel lucky. I feel like I can make it as a professional actor. I feel like I can audition for shows and be cast. When I feel empowered, I feel like I can make things happen for myself even when they don't happen naturally. Maybe I won't get cast, but I can put on a cabaret or make a movie or do something else to create opportunity for myself. When I feel empowered, I am motivated to work hard on what is in my control.

I haven't been feeling very optimistic or empowered recently.

But I keep plugging away at things, and I feel good about those. I stretch every day to improve my flexibility. I can almost do the splits (left side only) now. My fall dance class was excellent, and I'm going to take the same class again this coming semester. I am continuing with my weekly voice lessons. I asked Adam for a digital voice recorder, and I got one. So I will be able to record my voice lessons and work on them between lessons. Putting in that extra work will be very good for me, I know.

Onward and (hopefully) upward!

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