Saturday, August 30, 2008

Casting results

Well, huh.

I came home at 1 a.m. to a voice mail offering me a spot as a cut dancer in A Chorus Line. Cool! This is fine by me because I know I'm not as good a dancer as the people who got cast as main characters (though I reserve the right to believe I'm a better singer and actor). So, knowing my limitations, I don't feel I was treated at all unfairly.

Plus — and this is what I'm really excited about — it will give me a chance to learn and grow. The dance audition was challenging and fun. So I'll be in the opening number and the finale, which will give me a chance to do more dancing on stage. Yay!

I just have to call the stage manager back tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Auditioning practice

After the last show, I had sworn off auditioning for Lyric Theatre. In seven auditions, I had never even gotten offered a chorus/ensemble role (to the bafflement of more than just myself). I said I didn't want to waste my time on an unfair process.

My resolution didn't last long, and I auditioned tonight for their next show. And I feel good about it. I totally shifted my attitude. If I go into an audition wanting to be cast, I'm likely to be disappointed. If I go into an audition even wanting to be treated "fairly" or cast ahead of people who are less talented, I'm likely to have wasted my time. But what if my goal is to use them and take advantage of the audition? Maybe they'll never cast me. But if they're going to waste my time, I'm going to waste theirs. They're going to have to sit there and watch my audition.

More significantly, I decided to use the auditions as an opportunity to practice auditioning. I especially wanted to get more experience with learning choreography in a dance audition (as well as dealing with nerves while singing).

So I got exactly what I wanted. I did a good job. Maybe I'll even get cast. Probably I won't. But I got a nice opportunity to practice my auditioning.

The dancing was challenging for me, and I did mess up. But, boy, was it fun! I really do love dancing. I got a little bit of a workout, did a fun dance and worked on my auditioning skills. That's not a waste of time at all.

Monday, August 4, 2008


I am in a seriously contemplative mood.

Nothing ever seems to get "crossed off." From issues with the dog to my life and career in general, few things have been resolved lately — even when I take action on them. (Or if they resolve, they fall apart again or immediately get replaced by new issues.)

Yesterday I voiced my frustration at how confusing things are. I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing. I don't know what any of the answers are.

But maybe that's the point of this time of my life: soul-searching, asking questions, exploring options. Maybe it's not about taking action or forging my path (yet). Maybe it's about exploring the territory and trying to figure things out. Maybe it's about becoming comfortable with uncertain situations (e.g. joblessness) so that when I face them again, I'm better prepared to deal with them. Maybe it's not about finding the answers (yet) but about learning how to ask myself the questions and being comfortable with that.

My mom said to me today that she thinks this period in my life will be very valuable to me some day because it is forcing me to look at my life in a different way and it could have a huge impact on the person I become. That comment surprised me and opened my eyes.