Monday, August 4, 2008


I am in a seriously contemplative mood.

Nothing ever seems to get "crossed off." From issues with the dog to my life and career in general, few things have been resolved lately — even when I take action on them. (Or if they resolve, they fall apart again or immediately get replaced by new issues.)

Yesterday I voiced my frustration at how confusing things are. I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing. I don't know what any of the answers are.

But maybe that's the point of this time of my life: soul-searching, asking questions, exploring options. Maybe it's not about taking action or forging my path (yet). Maybe it's about exploring the territory and trying to figure things out. Maybe it's about becoming comfortable with uncertain situations (e.g. joblessness) so that when I face them again, I'm better prepared to deal with them. Maybe it's not about finding the answers (yet) but about learning how to ask myself the questions and being comfortable with that.

My mom said to me today that she thinks this period in my life will be very valuable to me some day because it is forcing me to look at my life in a different way and it could have a huge impact on the person I become. That comment surprised me and opened my eyes.

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