Thursday, April 26, 2007

A Bird in the Hand...

There are certain shows I'd rather do than others. But I've learned not to pass on auditions for one show just because I'm hoping to get cast in a different show later.

Coming up, there are auditions for Little Shop of Horrors. The production dates conflict with key rehearsal period for West Side Story. So it's impossible to do both shows. If I had my druthers, I'd pick WSS. But I'm not going to not audition for LSoH on the hopes that I'd get cast in the other show. Simple enough.

But I have an option to have a really plum role in the Green Mountain Renaissance Festival. The conflict is that I really should give an answer asap. But I also have two sets of auditions for musicals (LSoH and Cats) coming up. In this case, I'd really rather be in a "real" show than in the ren fest. Plus, I wouldn't have to completely give up being in the ren fest if I said no to the big role and then didn't get the musical. I'd just have to give up the big role.

On the other hand, given my recent bad luck at being cast in anything, I can probably play both sides for the time being. I can say yes to the big ren fest role and audition for the musicals. If I don't get into the musicals (most likely scenario), then I have a nice big role in the ren fest. If I do get into the musicals, well, then I'll have to cross that bridge when I come to it.

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