Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Learning is Power

Why do actors and others take classes? It's probably because it's something — possibly the only thing — they can have in their control.

One of the best ways to learn is by doing, but that's not always an option. So, I sign up for lessons instead of stagnating. I started vocal lessons in early March. And I sent in registration for an "acting through song" class this summer. (I have yet to see if I am actually registered or if the class is full.)

It feels good to be actually doing something. That's an end to itself. And hopefully, it will also be a means to an end (i.e. getting cast in shows).

The other aspect of this (other than the desire to keep moving and doing) is the realization that I might have to work for what I want. I know it sounds ridiculous that I'm just now realizing this. It's primarily because acting and singing never felt like work that I didn't think I had to work at it. This isn't Broadway; it's community theatre. Many people do it just for fun and don't work at it and don't have to. And I know how to sing; I'm a naturally good singer — so why would I need to take singing lessons? But maybe I have to work to improve myself and improve my chances. Maybe, to get what I want, I have to put in some genuine toil.

And what I want is twofold: 1) to gain more opportunities (i.e. being cast) and 2) to improve myself and learn for the sake of learning, which I hope will boost my confidence and the amount of joy I take from my art.

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