Wednesday, April 18, 2007

What's Stopping Me?

My mom told me the other day that the things we think are holding us back aren't always things that actually are holding us back.

That makes a great amount of sense. I saw a TV biography of Stephen King that described how he worked until late at night (after his "real"/day job). Sometimes I think I don't have time to do all the things I want to do, but then I spend an evening sitting on the couch watching a movie on TV I've already seen. That's a result of feeling tired and uninspired. But motivation can overcome tiredness and lack of time.

So I have to ask myself a) What do I want? and b) Do I want it enough to not be lazy about it? The long-term response is that I'd do anything, I'd work my butt off to achieve my dreams. But the short-term response is often that I'd rather take a nap or read. That's the tendency I need to fight against. And that's part of the reason I've started this blog — to hold myself accountable for taking actual steps toward achieving my dreams.

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