Sunday, May 18, 2008

A Professional Level

I got a comment on my Facebook from our former accompanist, who said, "you're always so professional, prepared, and ready to get right to work." It's absolutely true, but it still makes me feel good. It's nice to know my efforts are noticed. I really feel a difference in myself. Since I really set my mind to performing professionally, I realized that one thing I could do right now was to start behaving as though I already am. It may be "just" community theatre, but that's no reason for me not to work as hard at it as possible. I've made it a point to be attentive, know my lines, etc.

I also need to find an opportunity to talk to the director and tell him I don't mind being pushed. I think there's a natural (and appropriate) inclination in community theatre to let a good performance go without much criticism. But, really, I would like to make a good performance into a great performance. I'm willing to hear more constructive criticism and be pushed and challenged. I want to take my game to the next level.

And a random off-topic comment: I've been practicing my poi lately. I really want to spin fire again this summer. Also, poi is a unique special skill that's neat on my performance resume.

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