Tuesday, May 6, 2008

It Goes Both Ways

At Sunday's rehearsal for Annie, I felt extremely frustrated, leading me to feel very cranky. I was upset over the inefficiency of rehearsal (due to a combination of the way it was structured and people not knowing their material). I griped to my friends about how irritating the rehearsal was. After rehearsal, I made a polite request to the director that we make time for the one song that we never seem to get to. I complained on the way home. And then I decided to let it go, stop being so annoyed and find more patience and an easy-going attitude.

And then, once I wasn't wallowing in frustration I realized that while I was upset over other people being what I thought was unprofessional ... my attitude was just as unprofessional (and possibly moreso). Now I feel embarrassed and ashamed.

Moving on. I'm looking forward to rehearsal tonight to redeem Sunday (both in terms of rehearsal itself and in terms of my attitude).

1 comment:

See You at the Finish Line said...

I have just finished reading Randy Pausch's book entitled "The Last Lecture". He has a chapter in the book about complaining and says this:

"Complaining does not work as a strategy. We all have finite time and energy. Any time we spend whining is unlikely to help us achieve our goals. And it won't make us any happier." He goes on to say if you take 1/10 of the energy you put into complaining and applied it to solving the problem, you'd be surprised at how well things turn out.

Great noticing on your part Kristin. You can't choose the circumstances of life, but you always have choice around attitude. Well done!