Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I told a fellow cast member (our dance captain and the best dancer in the show) that I'm not very good at turns. Turns require strength, coordination, balance and technique (i.e. spotting). I'm okay with simple turns, maybe an occasional single pirouette. Probably the biggest reason I'm not good at turning is that I have never learned to spot effectively. (And that probably comes from not actually taking dance classes.)

Tonight the choreographer asked me to do three chainé turns in a section of the dance. Chainé turns I can do — more or less. But I'll definitely need to practice them. And she asked me whether I could do pirouettes. I said, "I'm learning. I can do a single; I can't do a double." (And I don't think I could learn to do a clean, consistent double before the show.)

Time to practice my turning. And time to learn how to spot.

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