Thursday, July 26, 2007

Assorted Thoughts

The first week of the renaissance festival is over. I had a great time. Mostly it's about the fact that I haven't outgrown my inner 7-year-old, who wants to be a princess. Getting dressed up in a fancy dress and playing pretend is still satisfying. I love dancing in big skirts. I love feeling transformed. Also, I did the chess match perfectly. They said that historically there have always been cheat sheets of some kind for the chess match, but I had it totally memorized without it.

I am glad that I have the ability to memorize lines so well. I am perfectly comfortable in Urinetown at the moment and able to focus on character because I'm not struggling with lines. ... And if I get cast as Maggie in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, which I'm planning to audition for, that ability would be very welcome! (The first act is more or less a huge monologue from her. Daunting but exciting!)

Urinetown rehearsal tonight. Tuesday's rehearsal went well and redeemed the previous week's obnoxiousness.

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