Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Rehearsal thoughts

Rehearsal last night for the Green Mountain Renaissance Festival went well. I've learned my fight, which is fun, even though I lose. It's a bit tough on my knees, though. I have pressure bruises from the hard floor. Also, I tried on the bodice for my costume, which means I get a new dress this year. Hooray! We were supposed to be off book for the first scene, which I managed to do with no problem. (The chess match dialogue will be much more daunting.) I'm fortunate that memorizing lines comes easily to me. Otherwise, I'd be freaking out right now.

As it is, I feel over-committed and a bit overwhelmed. I'm still glad I'm in both shows. But I think that being involved in two shows is a bit too much — even as much as I love rehearsals.

Urinetown rehearsal tonight. Yay! I am loving the show, and it's going well. I'm nervous about a couple of things — my costar's reluctance to touch me and the fact that a couple of scenes we've hardly touched on (while others have gotten lots of attention) — but overall I think it's on track to be great.

In other news ... Can I quit my job and be a professional actor? Please?

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