Friday, July 27, 2007

Vanity vs. Truth

The truth of the character or the show should come first. It should come before an actor's personal vanity.

At the same time, I understand the urge to look as good as possible. Where's the dividing line?

I apply powder foundation and a light coat of mascara (forgoing my usual colorful eyeshadow) to be Mary Tudor at the ren faire. And, given that makeup has been used for centuries and the makeup in question is completely natural looking, I don't think there's anything wrong with it. But I must admit that I do it for the sake of my own vanity.

The line is crossed when vanity interferes with truth.

Such as a fellow actor in Urinetown not wanting to accept the fact that her character is rough, dirty, unglamorous and unfeminine. Such as instances of actors making inappropriate modifications to their costumes in an attempt to look sexier.

I've seen this happen many times. At times it's a small thing that, while it might not be "truthful," doesn't interfere too much with the truth of the character. At times it's done by someone who's new to acting or doesn't take acting too seriously. ... And at times, it's a big thing that does interfere dramatically with the truth of the character and is done by a "serious" actor who should know better. It's then that my tolerance wanes. I don't have respect for actors who so completely put their own needs above the needs of the show.

I am thinking of specific people, but I'm keeping it general because it happens often and is something to consider beyond the specific instances.

... And it's something for me to keep in mind when I'm wanting to feel prettier (or smarter or sexier) than my character.

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