Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Possible and Impossible

It's interesting how my outlook can vary from day to day or even hour to hour (with no other obvious changes in my situation).

Some days, I feel like everything in my being is electric with possibility. I feel like I'm on the brink of wonderful change and opportunity. These are the days when I think I can make it as a professional actor. These are the days when even mundane, little things like doing the dishes make me feel like I'm taking decisive steps toward my dreams.

Some days, I feel completely stagnant. I feel like the summary of my life is that I got fired from a job I didn't like, so I have no chance of ending up with a job I do like. These are the days when I doubt my ability to get cast in another community theater show. These are the days when even "real" steps like my singing lessons or dance class seem like baby steps to nowhere.

And most days fall somewhere in the middle.

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