Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Action: Dance Class

I wrestled for a while about which dance class to register for: level one or level two. I figured level two might be a bit too hard, and that level one would be too easy.

I think I was right. (I don't know how easy level one is. But it was tagged as being appropriate for beginners.)

I signed up for level two because I'd rather push myself and challenge myself. I'm sure I could get something out of either class. But I think I'll get more out of level two. The only problem would be if it were so hard I just couldn't possibly keep up.

The class is quite challenging for me. And I think that's a good thing!

Dancing (for me) is made up of three things: learning the moves, executing the moves and expression. Generally, I find learning the moves to be the biggest challenge for me. So in last night's class, I could do all the moves — there were no splits or backbends or things I physically couldn't accomplish — but mastering the sequence of moves (in time with the music) was the part that challenged me.

Next week we're adding to the dance we started learning. So I'll practice the moves between now and then.

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