Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Action: Voice Lessons

Some voice lessons feel more productive than others. (Even the ones that don't feel productive I trust to have a cumulative effect.)

Yesterday's lesson felt productive.

Having sung for years in my head voice (even when I thought I was belting), it is a challenge for me to learn how to belt.

My voice teacher says I have a nice belt — when I can get the belt. He also says I have a very good mix, which he says sounds very similar to my belt (and that is a "tremendous asset").

So the goal is to develop those three parts of my voice: belt, mix and legit (head voice). I want to be able to really feel the difference between each and have control over when I use them. (Right now, that's the challenge: When I'm trying to belt, I'm often actually mixing and sometimes even using my head voice.)

Yesterday's lesson felt like I made some progress toward that end.

Voice lessons have really helped me so far — and I look forward to improving even more.

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