Sunday, May 13, 2007


I auditioned for Urinetown yesterday, and I got called back, though I don't know for which role yet. :)

It feels good to be called back and not have to wonder whether I totally suck.

For this show, though, I have a tremendous amount of conflicted feelings. I think it would be a fun show to do, and I am desperate to be in a musical again. But I would have to give up a lot to be in the show: my summer class, going to New York (and other location TBD) in August and (possibly) the ren faire.

"You know what your decision is — which is not to decide."

I'll just have to see how things turn out. On one hand, being rejected is never fun. On the other hand, if I don't get cast, I don't have to make any difficult decisions! I'm not sure what would make me happier: being in a musical or having things be simple. Well, I'll have to wait to hear about casting before I know what's going on this summer. And I'll be off to call backs in a little while ...

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