Thursday, May 10, 2007

Where I Am

I'm excited about some projects and opportunities I have coming up.

At the minimum, I will be performing in the Green Mountain Renaissance Festival this summer (as Mary Tudor) and in a class called "Acting Through Song." Plus, I'll be continuing with my voice lessons.

I have auditions on Saturday for Urinetown. I'm not sure what I want the outcome to be. Maybe that's a good thing! Hopefully, it will allow me to relax and get some good practice with auditioning. (On the other hand, even though my heart isn't set on being in the show, I must say I don't want to be rejected again, from yet another show.) But if I don't get in, I'll have fun being in the ren faire and taking a class. If I do get in ... well, I haven't quite decided yet whether I'd accept anything or only certain roles. I guess I'll wait and see. (And I decided not to audition for Little Shop of Horrors after all, because it would have taken me out of too much.)

I'm feeling good about where I am. What I'm not feeling good about is where I'm not. I want to take some time to learn, to get myself in gear, to prepare myself. But too much "preparing" can result in little doing. I don't want to get complacent. I don't want to always be waiting to pronounce myself ready.

I glance at the job listings in and other places. And although I'm not auditioning for anything yet, that is my eventual goal. I'm a little bit nervous because I feel how easy it could be to just settle in to community theatre projects and not move forward.

Writing this blog is a way of keeping track of what I'm doing, progress I've made, where I am emotionally — and holding myself accountable. (And it's a nice place to talk about my creative life.)

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