Thursday, May 10, 2007

Stress-free performing

... well, not entirely stress-free.

I spent a rather significant amount of time leading up to "Broadway in Vermont" stressing about it. I was in charge, and didn't really want to be. The cast wasn't coming together the way I would have liked, and it wasn't the grand and clever piece originally envisioned. ... And in the end, I think it was better that way.

Everyone got a huge kick out of the fact that our first rehearsal was in the car while driving to the event! And subsequent rehearsals were held before we went on.

The process was collaborative and relaxed. We were being goofy and having fun — and not taking ourselves too seriously.

Every performer needs to recapture that sometimes. Remember being a kid and putting on a show for your parents? How much rehearsal did that have? Maybe one. I'm not saying that shows should be unrehearsed or that rehearsals are stressful to me. (I love rehearsals!) But maybe we shouldn't always be so focused on perfection. And maybe we should make it a point to allow silliness instead of stress to rule.

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