Thursday, August 2, 2007

After the Faire

Renaissance Singing
There were some points when I was regretting having committed to the Green Mountain Renaissance Festival. I was stretched thin. And since I have Urinetown, I didn't need GMRF to get my theatre fix.

But, of course, I still needed to get my princess fix. Ah, my inner 7-year-old must still be appeased! Dressing up in a pretty dress and pretending to be a princess ... I think I love it as much now as I did when I was 7.

Green Mountain Renaissance Festival costumeI got a nice compliment from a vendor who said I was the most regal royal he had seen, that I was so calm and walked slowly and evenly. And I got some great opportunities to sing, singing along with Royales & Rogues.

I am really quite proud of our little ren faire. It grew a lot this year, and I think it is a great event. I am excited for next year. Just like last year, I feel that weird sense of longing that comes from returning to the real world. Part of me wants to stay immersed in the ren faire world of pretty gowns, English accents, measured strolling, country dancing, renaissance songs and people having fun.

I value dramatic roles and challenging characters. But I also recognize that a big part of what drew me to acting was the desire to dress up and play pretend ... and the Green Mountain Renaissance Festival gives me that. Huzzah!

Chess Match

(All photos © 2007, Adam Silverman)

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