Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Last year, when I was in Urinetown, it was a big deal for me. It was my first musical in years, my first lead in a musical in 11 years. I wanted everyone to be there. I e-mailed everyone I was somewhat decent friends with. My parents came all the way from Illinois to see it, which meant a lot to me. I was excited, and I wanted people to share my joy with me.

This year, in Annie, fewer of my friends/family are seeing the show. And that's okay. In a way this show is less of a big deal.

And yet, I think my performance in Annie has much more personal meaning for me. It's not about support from friends or congratulations or compliments. For me, this show has been about growth: working, learning and my quest for excellence. So this show has intense private, personal meaning for me.

In addition to my artistic goals (i.e. acting, singing and dancing well), I have some attitude goals. One of those is to have a healthier level of confidence. In Urinetown, if I had a period of no compliments, I started to get paranoid. Lately, I've been feeling good about myself even if I don't get compliments, which is a good thing. As an aspiring professional actor, I have to find confidence within myself.

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