Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Audition thoughts

I didn't get cast in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. And, personally, I thought I was better than the girl who did get cast. But she was good, so the decision was still safely in the realm of subjectivity. Sometimes, though, talent is not subjective. There are clearly people who are good and people who are not good. And I've been rejected from shows where someone who could not sing and could not act was cast. Those are the ones that I can never quite get over because I can't even begin to understand them. And I'm still kind of bitter and resentful (because I was treated unfairly). So, with Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, I'm a bit grumbly, and I still think I was better, but I recognize that the girl cast was good, so it's just a simple matter of opinion (not insanity).

Last night I auditioned for West Side Story. It went ... okay. Not great because I'm sick — so I didn't sound as good as I could have and I wasn't energized and fully in it. I also messed up the dance audition (which I had done fine up until that point). Oh, well.

Right now I'm mostly focused on trying to be at my best for Urinetown performances, so I'm not really very stressed about auditions. And I keep reminding myself that I'll end up where I need to be, in the situation that's right for me.

A lot of Urinetown folks were at auditions, and that was fun. We root for each other, and we care about each other. So, it made me feel warm and fuzzy that one of the kids thought I would make a great Anita, even if my audition wasn't superb and even if I don't get cast. And he had a phenomenal reading, which was so exciting to see.

It's fun to see other people doing well, especially if they're people you know and like.

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