Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Urinetown again

Urinetown rehearsal 1 Here are some gratuitous photos of Urinetown rehearsals. There isn't a huge variety of photos available because Adam was at only one rehearsal. It was a dance rehearsal, so there are no photos of "scenes" and it was really dark, so several photos have motion blur. But these are two of my favorites that have me in them.

Urinetown rehearsal 2

We moved into the theatre last night — and that was an adventure. It was very weird getting used to the new spacing (with exits, entrances and levels). I fell down some stairs in the big "Act One Finale" and kept going straight over to my costar like I was supposed to. But the half-amused, half-concerned look on his face made me say my lines in a laughing way.

We open a week from today! Eeee!

(Photos © 2007, Adam Silverman)

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